Report on Conscientization Program
As a part of our .Ed curriculum we the teacher trainees of H.K.M Collage of education were asked to conduct an awareness program. I conducted a conscientization programme on 26, November 2020 on the topic "An awareness on the road safety" Now a days the road accidents are happening in a large scale in our country .Road accidents is the most unwanted thing to happen to the road users
Conscientization programme the pupil aware about different negative factors happening to give an awareness about the road safety. I choose the topic "An Awareness on the road safety: The programme was conducted during face to face teaching practice and was conducted through google meet
Need and Significance
Due to ignorance of safety on roads there are accidents happening on the road causing injuries and deaths .Road accidents is the most unwanted thing to happen to a road user , though they happen quite often. The most unfortunate thing is that we don't learn from our mistake on road . Most the road users are quite well aware of the general rules and safety measures while using roads
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