Face to face teaching reflection
After completing peer teaching we started our face to face teaching, we started face to face teaching on 23 November 2020. And We finished our teaching practice on December 2, 2020. I got 8 students from M.V.G.H.S and the time allotted was from 10:00 am to 11:00 am. I sent them link to enter the class at 09:45 am and they entered the class before 10:00 am. I took 3 chapters (The Mysterious Picture, Song of the Rain, Rosa Parks Sat Still I divided the chapters into 10 lessons and taught the topic. Hevin V was my peer for helping me to show the video presentation and ppt presentation to students. I used ict, video presentation, images, ppt, chart presentation etc as teaching learning aids. Teachers allotted for observation are my optional teacher Raheena Miss and general teacher Nisha miss. Teachers pointed out my strength and weakness and areas needed to be improved after the class. First day I got lesser respond from students and I asked them about the problem that why they aren’t responding and they asked me that as they were not familiar with this online class that is why they are responding in lesser manner. From that day onwards they become active and felt a live classroom experience from second day onwards. My strengths were good blackboard work, proper arrangements of activities, learner interaction etc.
I improved my confidence level and became more tension free and feel myself improved in my teaching after my 10 classes. Teachers who took classes were experts in pedagogy as they used different methods in teaching which are very interesting and attention seeking.
Overall the school internship phase 1 was a new experience because of the teaching through online which provides a new experiences. This increased my techno pedagogic skill and become aware about the new apps which were useful and helpful for us in teaching practices. But missed the traditional classroom settings and learner interaction as in classroom.
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